Education and training opportunities
You must be in education or training until at least your 18th birthday.
After the age of 18, you may decide to continue your education or you may choose options that help you develop independence, life or work skills.
Apprenticeships and supported apprenticeships
Apprenticeships are paid for by the government and the employer. Learning at work through an apprenticeship scheme means getting a wage at the same time. Find out more information at the Leicester apprenticeship hub.
Leicester and Leicestershire have a number of colleges with a wide range of courses. Colleges very often run taster days to help you decide if it’s right for you.
Supported internships
A supported internship is a study programme for young people aged 16-24 who have an Education, Health and Care Plan EHCP) who want to move into employment but need extra support to learn work related skills.
Job Centre Plus
Job Centre Plus has advisers to help people to choose a job, to find work and how to and move from being on benefits to earning their own money.
Job coaching
A job coach finds out what the work involves and then plans ways to help the young person fulfil their tasks. Support is on-going until the employee has learned the job.
There are many organisations that offer training. Some may have to be paid for by personal means, some is free and some is bought by the employer. Carry out a search for training provider.
Universities offer you a range of qualifications, not just degrees. It isn’t always necessary to have taken A Levels to go to university.
How does it work?
A Connexions adviser will work with you to identify your interests and ideas for the future and talk about the options that you might like to explore further. They will support you with information, advice and guidance about options and practical support to make important decisions.
You will probably have several meetings with your Connexions adviser to ensure that the plan for transition is appropriate to your needs.
Who is involved?
Connexions SEND advisers are trained to work with young people with learning difficulties and disabilities.
If you have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan), Connexions may be able to support you until you are 25. Connexions work together with a range of partners in education, social care, health and the voluntary sector to identify opportunities and pathways that will support your transition from school into adulthood.