An early years group care provision is usually on non-domestic premises.

Childcare on non-domestic premises is where childcare is provided on premises which are not somebody’s home, for example in purpose-built premises, village halls and a school premises. Such childcare normally includes nurseries pre/after school clubs and holiday clubs.

The childcare is provided on premises which are not somebody’s home, for example in purpose-built premises, village halls or on school premises. This type of childcare includes nurseries and pre-schools.

Do I need to register with Ofsted?

Most childcare providers caring for children aged under eight, must register with Ofsted unless the law says they are not required to do so.  Early years providers caring for children from birth up to the 31 August after their fifth birthday must register on the Early Years Register unless they are exempt.  View Ofsted registration exemptions

What do I need to have in place to set up an early years provision?

All registered childcare providers must follow any relevant legislation, including laws about health and safety, disability discrimination, food hygiene, fire and planning requirements.  View Ofsted registration requirements

To be registered on the Early Years Register you will need to:

  • Meet all the safeguarding and welfare and the learning and development requirements of the statutory requirements for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
  • Ensure that every person looking after children on the premises where childcare is provided is suitable to look after young children, and that those living or working on the premises are suitable to be in regular contact with young children.

What do I do next?

Read the following information for further details about the registration process

Nurseries and other daycare (childcare on non-domestic premises): registration. The application process for nurseries, playgroups, before and after school clubs and other daycare.  This includes fees, who should apply and making changes once you’re registered:

Register your interest in starting an early year’s provision using the online form below:

Once you have registered your interest, an officer from the Early Education Development (EED) Team will then contact you to discuss your plans and provide relevant advice.