The government requires young people to continue in education or training until at least the end of the academic year in which they turn 18.

The government has been clear that raising the participation age is not about increasing the statutory school leaving age as young people will be able to participate through a range of options.

For those young people with special educational needs, who have an EHCP, which indicates a transport need, they will continue to receive assistance with transport between the ages of 16 and 25. The local authority has a discretionary power to provide transport assistance to those over compulsory school age.

You can contact the SES team on:

Website: SEND Local Offer (Family Information website)

Many young people with SEND are able to travel independently or accompanied by a parent, carer, or guardian, using public transport, and the council cannot offer services to replace parental responsibility. 

Our policy, in line with national statutory guidance, is to expect parents to carry out their responsibilities.

As part of the Preparing for Adulthood strategy, as detailed on our Local Offer website, we  support Young People with SEND with Independent Travel Training.