Children and young people with SEN all have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children and young people of the same age. Some may need extra or different help from that given to others.

Extra help

Many children and young people will have SEND of some kind at some time during their education. Early years providers (for example, nurseries or childminders), mainstream schools, colleges and other organisations can help most children and young people succeed with some changes to their practice or additional support. But some children and young people will need extra help for some or all of their time in education and training. 

Who to talk to

If you think your child has special educational needs or a disability, talk to your child's education setting ask for a meeting with their class teacher or key worker.  They will discuss any concerns you have, tell you what they think and explain to you what will happen next. Each school and setting has a SENCO who can also provide you with advice and support.  

If your child is pre-school (2-5)

If you think your child is slow in developing or is not hearing or seeing properly, speak to your family doctor, health visitor, your nursery or pre-school setting leader, or someone at your local children's centre.  They may give advice to enable you to support and help your child or refer you to a specialist for an assessment. 

If your child is at school (4-16)

Your child's teachers will consult you if they have concerns about his or her progress.  If you notice any difficulties with your child's learning you should ask your child's teacher about them first.  Schools are able to support and help children who have special educational needs by providing, for example, extra help and/or adapting the curriculum so it is more accessible for the child. 

If you or your young person is at college

You should talk with your college tutors if you have concerns about your course and how you are getting on.  They should be able to advise you about support that will be available.  Within the college, there should be clear information about where to go for advice and support about your learning and progress. 
SEND support Any support your child gets from their school or other setting should meet their needs.